Thursday, September 4, 2014

gpg: public key decryption failed: Bad passphrase

When I  try to decrypt a file using GPG, for which I use "Starksoft.Cryptography.OpenPGP". I got the following error
Starksoft.Cryptography.OpenPGP.GnuPGException: An error occurred while trying to execute command --list-secret-keys.
But when I execute the command through command prompt ">gpg --list-secret-keys", it does list the keys. I could not get "Starksoft.Cryptography.OpenPGP" to work correctly.
Next I tried to get a solution by running the process directly using cmd.exe, which worked perfectly.

>echo Mypasspharse|gpg.exe --passphrase-fd 0 -o "C:\successtest.txt" --decrypt "C:\testfile.txt.gpg"
If Mypassphare contain a character ">" which will get interpreted as std out redirect in windows command prompt. So, passphase will not pass to the next command properly. So make sure you are not using  ">" in Passphase, if you are planning to use command prompt for gpg decryption

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