Thursday, August 28, 2014

Panda::APIError: NotAuthorized: Account with access key does not exist

Do anyone frustrated because of the NotAuthorized issue?

1.9.2-p320 :001 > Panda::Profile.all

Panda::APIError: NotAuthorized: Account with access key <<key>> does not exist

If you are setting the PandaStream Add ons through heruku document (, Please make sure you create an account in to get you access key and secret key. 

NOTE : PandaStream access key and secret key are different from Amazon S3 access key and secret key.

Notes from


First you must log in to your account where you can find your credentials as follows:
  • Under Api Access: Access key, Secret key, API URL
  • After selecting your Cloud: Cloud ID

Notes from

The Panda API requires all requests must also be signed to ensure they are valid and authenticated. For GET and DELETE requests the additional parameters must be url encoded and added to the parameters in the url. When making a POST or PUT request they should be included in the usual parameters payload submitted.
The access_key and secret_key used to authenticate the request are provided when you sign up for your Panda account. Your keys can always be found by logging in to your account by visiting

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