Thursday, November 14, 2013

Git Commands - Quick Reference

Install git in Mac, Other OS, please refer here :

Initialize a Git repository and make the first commit

$ git init
$ git add .
$ git commit -m "Initial commit"

Create a new repository and push it up to GitHub:

$ git remote add origin<username>/demo_app.git
$ git push origin master

Create a branch and switch to the branch at the same time

$ git checkout  - b newbranch-dev

$ git branch  newbranch-dev
$ git checkout newbranch-dev

To List out the available Branch

$ git branch -a

To switch to master branch

$ git checkout master
$ git branch -a

To push the changes to particular branch. (origin is the remote created for the git url using <<git remote add command>>)

$ git push origin newbranch-dev

To get the latest version by cloning the git project, for first time (Reference :

$ git clone <<git clone public URL>>

To get the latest version from the git project after cloning. (origin is the remote created for the git url using <<git remote add command>>)

$ git pull origin newbranch-dev

To find the difference between current working copy and last version

$ git diff HEAD

To find the difference between any commit and Last version, you can get the commit_id by using this command(
$ git log -4 --pretty="%h - %s" - will give last 4 commits)

$ git diff commit_id HEAD

To find the difference between last version and previous commit

$ git diff HEAD^ HEAD

To get the current configured git user information

$ git config --list

To undo local changes and restore them to the current versions in the repository

$ git reset --hard

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